Month: March 2010

Expression Blend 3 and Visual Studio 2010 RC

I installed VS2010 RC several weeks ago, and I’m now using it as my principal Silverlight dev environment. However, the sacrifice I made was that I could no longer use Blend 3 on my Silverlight 3 projects because the solution version number had changed.

I was wrong.

True, when you load your solution into Blend, it does complain that it’s a newer version, and might not work, but if you continue, Blend will successfully load a Silverlight 3 project. I tried two different projects, one which had been converted from VS2008 to VS2010 – which loaded properly – and one which I had created from scratch in VS2010. This one failed to load the web project, probably because VS2010 had created a .NET 4 web project, which Blend can’t load. But since Blend doesn’t care about the web project, this wouldn’t prove a problem.

So that’s useful – I can now use Blend again without resorting to weird hackery.

Of course, in just over a week, we might well have new versions of all the Silveright tools, as Mix10 opens in Las Vegas (I’ll be there!) and, if Microsoft follow their usual pattern, they’ll announce Silverlight 4 RTW. I think a lot of people will be disappointed if the tools aren’t available as soon as the announcement happens, although it won’t coincide with the RTM of Visual Studio 2010, because that launch isn’t scheduled until April (and that’s a launch, not necessarily the RTM date).